Cluster Sets For Increased Strength & Flexibility Gains

flexibility strength Apr 05, 2023


In a cluster set, you take a traditional set and you divide it into multiple mini sets, and then you add a small rest period in between each mini set.

It's a training technique that is more focused on improving the neurological efficiency of your movements as opposed to building muscle through mechanical tension.

By decreasing the number of reps you do each. You're gonna be able to increase the intensity and work closer to your one rep max, which is an important factor for developing strength.

This is also an excellent strategy for developing strength specific skills like handstand push ups, Planche, press handstand or the ring muscle up.

These skills are technically demanding and require a high level of focus, so you're gonna benefit from the added rest periods in between the reps, as well as the total amount of reps per set being lower.

Compound VS Isolation

In general, you want to use the cluster set technique for compound exercises or skill specific exercises. If you're working on isolation or accessory movements, then you'll be better off by using the traditional sets or something like rest-pause if hypertrophy is your goal.

Why Use Clusters

So we use the cluster set technique for two primary reasons.

1) Increased Intensity/Volume

The first being that you're gonna be able to work at a higher intensity since you're doing less repetitions per set.

So that means that you're gonna be able to work closer to your one rep max, or you're gonna be able to do more weight, or you're gonna be able to do a harder variation.

You're also gonna be able to use a overall higher amount of volume.

Since you get that rest period in between each mini set, you're gonna be able to accumulate a larger load and you're gonna be able to accumulate more volume in each set.

2) Increased Focus/Quality

The second reason is that you get a higher level of quality on each repetition.

With the added rest period, you're gonna be able to focus more on executing the movement in a proficient and efficient way. 

So you're gonna be able to learn how to do the movements. Which is really important if you wanna learn how to do like a hands them pushup, that is very technically demanding.

How to use cluster sets

So how do we use cluster sets?

So it's pretty simple. You take a normal and traditional straight set and you divide it into multiple mini sets, and then you add some rest in between each minute.

So, for example, you could take the traditional five by five, so five sets of five repetitions.

Instead of doing one set of five repetitions, you're gonna split that set up into five mini sets.

And in each mini set you're gonna do one repetition, and then you're gonna add a 20s rest in between each mini set.

So instead of doing five repetitions in a row, you're gonna do one repetition. Rest 20 seconds. Do another repetition and then you're gonna repeat that for five total mini sets. 

Traditional VS Cluster

Let's take a closer look at a simple example of a 'traditional' straight set and a 'cluster' set.

Example: 3x4 (3 sets of 4 repetitions)

Traditional Set:

In the traditional set you perform the entire set in one go and then have a full rest period.

4 reps → rest 2 min

Cluster Set 

In the cluster set you do TWO sets and 30s between the mini-sets and then a full rest period.

2 reps → rest 30s → 2 reps → rest 2 min

Applying clusters to your training

Here are some examples of how you can utilize the cluster set technique in both handstands strength and flexibility training.


So for flexibility, if you are working on, let's say, the side split, instead of doing an isometric of 60 seconds, you could divide that set up into four different mini sets.

In each mini-set you're gonna do a 15 second hold with a 20s rest in between each isometric hold. Which is going to accumulate to the same 60 seconds.

The only difference is that you're less fatigued and can perform the isometric at a greater range of motion and with more technical precision.


If you're working on the planche and trying to improve your strength, instead of doing a long hold of, let's say 20 seconds, you could split that up into four mini sets.

Each mini-set is a 5 second hold and then you rest 15 seconds in between each minute.

Since you avoid the fatigue of performing the entire hold in one go, you'll be more fresh to focus on the right technique and lean.


If you are working on handstand pushups or the press the handstand, instead of doing a set of, let's say, six repetitions, you could split that up into two mini sets, do three reps in each mini-set, and then do a 30 second rest in between them.

Progressing Cluster Sets

You can progress your cluster sets by increasing the intensity. So adding more weight or doing a more difficult variation, you can also decrease the rest time, so resting less in between each set, and you can also increase the volume by adding more reps, or you can string the reps together to do more reps in a row.

So that is the cluster set technique for improving strength, flexibility, or handstand skills. It's a great strategy that you can use in your program, and I personally use it as well as for all of my students in different phases of the training.

It's not something that you wanna do on all exercises and in all faces of your training, but see it as a tool that you can use to accelerate your strength, progress, or bust through a training plateau.


  • A cluster set is a traditional set split up into 'mini-sets' with rest in between.
  • It's an effective strategy for increasing strength, flexibility and skills.
  • It helps you increase intensity, volume and improves quality of movement.
  • For strength keep the reps between 1-3 for each ''mini-set''
  • Rest 15-30 seconds in between each ''mini-set'' and 2-4 min between sets.
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